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Lyndon Green Junior School

Making Memories

Year 6

Year Group: Year 6

Term: Summer 1

Text Type and Outcome: non- chronological report

Yellow-Spotted Lizard

Core Text: Holes

Weeks: 3


Audience and Purpose:

Audience: Staff at Camp Green lake and visitors.

Purpose: To inform



•To  identify the audience for and purpose of the writing.

• To choose the appropriate form and register for the audience and purpose of the writing.

• to use grammatical structures and features and choose vocabulary appropriate to the audience, purpose and degree of formality to make meaning clear and create effect.

•To  use a range of sentence starters to create specific effects.

•To  can use developed noun phrases to add detail to sentences.

•To use commas to mark phrases and clauses.

•To sustain and develop ideas logically in narrative and non-narrative writing.

Grammar and Punctuation


Over learning:

Relative clauses (Y5)

Brackets, commas, dashes to indicate parenthesis (Y5)


New learning:

Layout devices such as headings, subheadings, columns, bullets and tables to structure text. 

Use of semicolon, colon and dash.





hyphenated words, homophones and prefixes




Topic title covers the whole subject.

Brief introduction paragraph gives who/what/where overview.

Paragraphs with subheadings add detail.

Some information may be in fact boxes or bullet-point lists.

Third person makes it impersonal.

Technical language with a formal tone.

Rhetorical questions.

Fronted adverbials and conjunctions for cohesion.

Diagrams/maps/photos to support the text.

Speaking and Listening


To give well-structured descriptions.

To speak audible and fluently with increasing command of Standard English.

To perform in role play. 


Children will perform a breaking news report. Children will film and show this to the class. 

Rapid Writes

-News Report breaking news about a new deadly creature.

-Warning posters look out for the following…

Tier 2 Vocabulary






Reading and Writing across Curriculum

Instructions: cooking a meal

Non- Chronological report: Mexico and its geographical features.

Comparison: UK vs Mexico


Year Group: Year 6

Term: Summer 1

Text Type and Outcome: Letter to inform and recount.

Stanly will write a letter to his mother about the conditions of Camp Green Lake

Core Text: Holes

Weeks: 3


Audience and Purpose:

Audience: Staff at Camp Green lake and visitors.

Purpose: To inform



•To  identify the audience for and purpose of the writing.

• To choose the appropriate form and register for the audience and purpose of the writing.

• to use grammatical structures and features and choose vocabulary appropriate to the audience, purpose and degree of formality to make meaning clear and create effect.

•To  use a range of sentence starters to create specific effects.

•To  can use developed noun phrases to add detail to sentences.

•To use commas to mark phrases and clauses.

Grammar and Punctuation


Over learning:

Modal verbs and adverbs to indicate degree of possibility (Y5)


New learning:

To learn the difference between formal and informal speech and writing.  

Linking ideas across paragraphs using wide range cohesive devices





hyphenated words, homophones and prefixes




Sender’s address (right hand corner)

Date (one line under the address)

Greeting (informal)

Introduction (why are you writing)

Paragraphs around a theme

First person

Informal vocabulary

Address the letter recipient directly (How are you?)


Complimentary close (best wishes etc)

Sign off (name)

Expanded noun phrases

Fronted adverbials




Speaking and Listening


To give well-structured descriptions.

To speak audible and fluently with increasing command of Standard English.

To perform in role play. 


Children will perform a breaking news report. Children will film and show this to the class. 

Rapid Writes

- Sentence Staircase

-Descriptive paragraph: Disneyland vs Dismaland

- Acrostic poem: descriptive words for Camp Green Lake.

Tier 2 Vocabulary






Reading and Writing across Curriculum

Biography: Frida Kahlo

Instructions: cooking a meal

Non- Chronological report: Mexico and its geographical features.

Comparison: UK vs Mexico

Analysis of DT product.
