Year Group: 4 | Term: Spring 1 | ||
Text Type and Outcome: Non-Fiction: Explanation text: The Digestive System Model Text: Why do people fart? Practice Write: Why do people burp? Assessed Write: How is food digested? | Core Text: | Weeks: 3 | Audience and Purpose: Purpose: To inform |
Composition •To compose sentences using a range of sentence structures. •To orally rehearse a sentence or a sequence of sentences. •To improve my writing by changing grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency. •To use a range of sentences which have more than one clause. •To use appropriate nouns and pronouns within and across sentences to support cohesion and avoid repetition. | Grammar and Punctuation Overlearning Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (Y2/3) Present tense verbs, continuous form of verbs – progressive and perfect (Y2/3) Adverbs to show time and cause (Y3) Questions / Exclamations/ Statements (Y2) Age Related Learning Commas after fronted adverbials | Transcription Spelling Week 1 –Suffix es for plural nouns and present tense verbs Week 2 –Suffixes ed, ing, er, est – words ending in y Week 3 –Suffixes ed, ing, er, est – words ending in e Week 4 –Suffixes ed, ing and when to double the last letter Handwriting Unit 11 Revising parallel ascenders. Unit 12 Revising parallel ascenders and break letters. Unit 13 Relative size of letters. | Features Title – what text is about – why and how Opening paragraph about the subject Clear, simple points about the subject including how or why it occurs Use of technical vocabulary Use of conjunctions Adverbs for time including fronted adverbials Present tense including continuous form Summary paragraph Diagram with scientific labels After introduction, in chronological order Question to engage the reader |
Speaking and Listening Pick a body part and spin a wheel to say a statement, exclamation, command or question about that body part. Talk for 1 minute about …. the stomach, heart | Rapid Writes Riddle: What am I? E.g. I am always beating, I pump blood around the body. Using conjunctions and progressive tense: As the food is travelling through the colon, …. Pupils are given conjunctions (as, when, while, after, before, if) and verbs to write own sentences. | Tier 2 Vocabulary imperative consequently components essential therefore | Reading and Writing across Curriculum Explanation how teeth are used to eat in the mouth. E.g. First, food is cut using the incisors. Next, … Concluding paragraph in science explaining how/ why some foods stained the egg using conjunctions. Biography of an artist |
Year Group: 6 | Term: Spring 1 | ||
Text Type and Outcome: Narrative: Diary Entry child left something under pillow Model Text: Went out to get milk and met Aliens Practise Write: “ and met Pirates Assessed Write: “ + choose from Monsters, goblins, witches and wizards, dragons. | Core Text: Fortunately the Milk | Weeks: 3 | Audience and Purpose: Read your adventure to another child in Y4 Purpose: To inform and entertain |
Composition •To compose sentences using a range of sentence structures. •To orally rehearse a sentence or a sequence of sentences. •To write a narrative with a clear structure, setting and plot. •To improve my writing by changing grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency. •To use a range of sentences which have more than one clause. •To use appropriate nouns and pronouns within and across sentences to support cohesion and avoid repetition. | Grammar and Punctuation Overlearning Past tense verbs, continuous form of verbs – progressive and perfect (Y2/3) Expressing time and cause using adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions (Y3) Age Related Learning Appropriate choice of noun or pronoun Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme | Transcription Spelling Week 5 –Suffixes ly, ful, less, ment Week 6 - ul sound Week 7 - Homophones and near homophones Handwriting Unit 14 Proportion of letters. Unit 15 Spacing between letters. | Features 1st person including feelings. Past tense including continuous verbs Describe specific people and events Adverbs of time Conjunctions Paragraphs - Chronological Order Powerful adjectives, verbs and adverbs Structure P1: Introduction (excuse ) I went out to get milk but…. P2 Build up: Describe character and setting P3: Problem: What they wanted to do (Hurt you? Eat you? Kidnap you? Trick you? Steal from you) P43: Resolution: How you got away. |
Speaking and Listening Hot Seat: Dad and give well structured description of who he met with question prompts. Role Play with props: Dad meeting … Structure of problem and resolution: Pick a problem scenario out hat. Fortunately / unfortunately – alternate sentences | Rapid Writes Short character description of who you met in 5 fabulous sentences (Prepositions and adjectives) Professor Steg doesn’t call things as they are – describe objects without saying what they are. Guess each others. | Tier 2 Vocabulary desperate inquisitively menacing hovering stomped | Reading and Writing across Curriculum Explanation how teeth are used to eat in the mouth. E.g. First, food is cut using the incisors. Next, … Concluding paragraph in science explaining how/ why some foods stained the egg using conjunctions. Biography of an artist |