Home Page

Lyndon Green Junior School

Making Memories

Cognition and Learning Resource Base

Who are we?

We are a class of 12 children that are a mixture of ages from year 3 to year 6. We are known as 12R. We all have an Education Health and Care plan with Learning and cognition as our main need.

Here are the topics we cover in 12R: 

12R Overview


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 1

Seas and Oceans

(This links to Sea Life Y4)

Victorian Schools and Toys

(This links to Victorious Victorians Y5)

Animals and Adaptations

(This links to Evolution & Inheritance Y6)


The Stone Age

(This links to Stone Age Y4)

Magical Potions

(This Links to Solids, Liquids and Gases Y4)

Food Chains

(This Links to People, Plants and Predators Y3)


Year 2


(This Links to Variety of Life Y5)

World War 2

(This Links to WW2 Y6)


Greek Myths

(This Links to Meet the Greeks Y3)


Nature and Rivers

(This links to Our World Y3)


Festivals and Music

(This links to Marvellous Mayans Y6)


Growing Plants


Year 3

Emergency Services

(This Links to Spy Camp Y6)



(This Links to Invaders and Settlers Y3)


Healthy Eating

(This Links to Our Bodies Y4)



(This Links to Elixir of Life Y5)


(This Links to The Factory in the Garden Y3)


Push and Pull

(This Links to May the FORCES be with you Y5)


Year 4

Mighty Materials

(This Links to Fantastic Forces Y3)



(This Links to Ruthless Romans Y4)



(This Links to Infinity and Beyond Y5)


The body

(This Links to The Circulatory System Y6)


The Ancient Egyptians

(This Links to Talk like an Egyptian Y5)



(This Links to Around the UK Y4)


How do we Facilitate this?

In accordance with the requirements of the child's Education, Health and Care Plan, children follow a personalised curriculum that links with the main topics in our school. As part of the curriculum, our children have: Phonics, Reading, Writing and Mathematics lessons, as well as, History, Geography, Art, D&T, Spanish, PSHE, RE, Music, PE and Science. All lessons are adapted to the child's needs and children can be taught in a whole class settling, in a group or individually, depending on their needs.  


Integration is an important part of our base, as we want all the children to feel part of the school. This is why all our children are given a mainstream buddy class, and where appropriate, the children join that class for any lessons they are able to take part in (this process is initially supported by a member of staff).
