At LGJS, our aim is for all the pupils to experience their full potential through the National Curriculum by experiencing a range of interesting and practical tasks, which allow them to develop their understanding of the concepts and processes of Science. During these tasks, they will develop their scientific skills, reinforce their understanding and build on their curiosity, enthusiasm and sense of wonder at the natural world.
The curriculum content will: develop pupils’ enthusiasm; their interest and positive attitudes towards Science; an appreciation of the fact that Science is all around us; how it shapes the world we live in and contributes to our lives and our community.
The learning will build on prior knowledge and make links to previous learning experiences. Essential skills and vocabulary will be taught in order for pupils to answer scientific questions decisively, use different types of investigation including observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations); and research (using secondary sources).
We aim for our pupils to be inspired by Science as a subject and to continue to be curious about the world around them and the Science which affects their lives. Please see below further details and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.