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Lyndon Green Junior School

Making Memories

Year 6


Year Group: Year 6

Term: Spring 1/2

Text Type and Outcome: Narrative

Extended story based on a girl called Alma, including suspense and mystery, revealing the dolls in the shop were missing children.  

Core Text: Alma visual literacy

Weeks: 4 


Starting in Spring 1 - leading into spring 2.

Audience and Purpose:

Audience: Year 5 children

Purpose: To entertain.



•To  identify the audience for and purpose of the writing.

• To choose the appropriate form and register for the audience and purpose of the writing.

• to use grammatical structures and features and choose vocabulary appropriate to the audience, purpose and degree of formality to make meaning clear and create effect.

•To  use a range of sentence starters to create specific effects.

•To  can use developed noun phrases to add detail to sentences.

• To  sustain and develop ideas logically in narrative writing.

• To  use character, dialogue and action to advance events in narrative writing.

Grammar and Punctuation


Over learning:

Use of speech marks to punctuate direct speech and use dialogue to advance action and describe characters. (Y4)


New learning:

Expanded noun phrases (including figurative language)  to convey information precisely.

Use of ellipsis

Use of a dash

Use of hyphens








hyphenated words




Use a joined, legible style of handwriting with consistent sizing and spacing of letters.

Penpals Units 11-15: Improve handwriting by ensuring consistent sizing, proportion, spacing of letters.



- Clear beginning, build up, problem, resolution and ending.

-range of sentence starters to create effect

-noun phrases

-Character dialogue and action to advance events.

- short sentences and use of ellipsis  to create suspense.

Speaking and Listening

To speak orderly and fluently.

To maintain the interest of the listener(s). - reading to Yr5 children. 

Rapid Writes

- Graveyard setting description

- Missing poster (character description)

- Advertising Alma film trailer

Tier 2 Vocabulary








Reading and Writing across Curriculum

Explanations: How the heart works?

Non chronological: report on the circulatory system.

Write science methods

Engage day: recount

Biography: William Harvey



Year Group: 6

Term: Spring 2

Text Type and Outcome: 

Non-Fiction: Balanced Argument

Which organ is the most important?

Core Text: The day the crayons quit.



Audience and Purpose:

Audience: The public

Video link from PT - I would like some information to show how important it is to keep healthy. 

Purpose: To discuss and inform



•I can identify the audience for and purpose of the writing.

•I can choose the appropriate form and register for the audience and purpose of the writing.

•I use grammatical structures and features and choose vocabulary appropriate to the audience, purpose and degree of formality to make meaning clear and create effect.

•I use a range of sentence starters to create specific effects.

•I can use developed noun phrases to add detail to sentences.

•I use the passive voice to present information with a different emphasis. 

•I can sustain and develop ideas logically in non-narrative writing. 

Grammar and Punctuation



4 sentence types

Modal verbs and adverbs to indicate degree of possibility (Y5)


Age Related Learning

Use of semicolon, colon and dash.

Linking ideas across paragraphs using wide range cohesive devices.









Use a joined, legible style of handwriting with consistent sizing and spacing of letters.

Penpals Units 11-15: Improve handwriting by ensuring consistent sizing, proportion, spacing of letters.


Title – Statement to debate

An opening paragraph to introduce the issue

Paragraphs for and against – with the supporting evidence

Third person

Simple present tense

Formal, technical language

Facts and opinions – views on both sides

Generalisation e.g. some people

Conjunctions and adverbs – therefore, however

You may present the writer’s view in the conclusion, summarise or ask questions.

Speaking and Listening

Participate in a Debate including making a speech while speaking audibly and justify arguments and opinions

Rapid Writes

Letter from the organ linking to the picture book. 

Would you rather have  _____ or ____?

sight or smell? 

Tier 2 Vocabulary


pursue / pursued




Reading and Writing across Curriculum

Explanations: How the heart works?

Non chronological: report on the circulatory system.

Write science methods

Engage day: recount

Biography: William Harvey

