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Lyndon Green Junior School

Making Memories

Year 4

Year Group: Year 4

Term: Summer 2a

Text Type and Outcome:

Persuasive text - Convince your parents to let you have a dog. 


Model text:- 

Write a letter to the dinner supervisors to allow them to have more play equipment. 

Practise write:- Writing a letter to Mrs McKinley to persuade her to allow the school to have a reading dog. 

Assessed write:- Write a letter as Hal to convince your parents to have a dog. 

Core Text:

One dog and his boy - Eva Ibbotson



Audience and Purpose:

Aimed at Hal’s parents to persuade them to allow Hal to have a dog.


To persuade



•I can orally rehearse a sentence or a sequence of sentences.

•I can write a narrative with a clear structure, setting and plot.

•I can improve my writing by changing grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency.

•I use a range of sentences which have more than one clause. 

•I can use appropriate nouns and pronouns within and across sentences to support cohesion and avoid repetition. 

•I can use fronted adverbials.

•I can write in paragraphs. 

•I make an appropriate choice of pronoun and noun within and across sentences.

•I use commas after fronted adverbials. 

Grammar and Punctuation



Subordinating conjunctions and commas after subordinate clauses (Y3)

Apostrophes for contraction (Y2)


Age-appropriate learning

Appropriate choice of noun or pronoun

Apostrophes to mark singular and plural possession






Unit 26 - Speed and Fluency

Unit 27 - Revising break letters

Unit 28 - Print alphabet - presentation




Opening statement

Opening topic sentence followed by expansion


Closing statement

Simple present tense

Rhetorical questions

Emotive language

Use facts

Speaking and Listening

Debate: Should school uniforms be worn or not. 

Would you rather: Have longer school days for 4 days per week or stick with a normal routine (5 days per week).

Word tennis: It would be good if …..


Rapid Writes

Speed writing - what do they know about dogs/having a pet?

What would you choose? If you could have any pet, what would you choose and why?

Jumping conjunctions - write sentences to go with conjunctions

Tier 2 Vocabulary






Reading and Writing across Curriculum

Writing a sound collector poem.

Explanations and comparisons of cities, villages and towns

Comparisons between cities now and in the past

Explanations in science investigations


Year Group: Year 4

Term: Summer 2b

Text Type and Outcome:

Writing a letter in role (recount)

Model Text: Letter from a holiday

Practice Write: Write to Grandparent about Hal’s first meeting with Fleck

Assessed Write: Letter from Hal to his friend Joel

Core Text:

One Dog and His Boy - Eva Ibbotson



Audience and Purpose:

To feature in the end of year newsletter. 


To entertain and inform



•I can compose sentences using a range of sentence structures.

•I can improve my writing by changing grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency.

•I use a range of sentences which have more than one clause. 

•I can use appropriate nouns and pronouns within and across sentences to support cohesion and avoid repetition. 

•I can use noun phrases which are expanded by adding modifying adjectives, nouns and prepositional phrases.

•I can use fronted adverbials.

•I can write in paragraphs. 

•I make an appropriate choice of pronoun and noun within and across sentences.

•I use commas after fronted adverbials. 

Grammar and Punctuation


Subordinating conjunctions and commas after subordinate clauses (Y3)

Past tense verbs, continuous form of verbs – progressive and perfect (Y2/3)


Age-Appropriate learning

Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme  

Commas after fronted adverbials






Unit 29 - End of unit check

Unit 30 - Capital letters: presentation



set the scene (orientation)

chronological order

detail to engage the reader

closing statement (reorientation)

past tense

first person

expanded noun phrases

fronted adverbials

Speaking and Listening

Memory games:- I went to my grandmas and I took…


Role play as Hal, how was he feeling? Act out what he would have done, how he would have looked…. 

Play word tennis. Improve on the vocabulary and feeling how Hal felt. 


Rapid Writes

Actions speak louder than words - write sentences to go with adverbs

Grow the sentence - expanded noun phrases

Speed writing - about something they have done that is exciting

Alien discovery - discover a new species of dog - describe it

Tier 2 Vocabulary






Reading and Writing across Curriculum

Writing a sound collector poem.

Explanations and comparisons of cities, villages and towns

Comparisons between cities now and in the past

Explanations in science investigations
