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Lyndon Green Junior School

Making Memories

Additional Support Services

We have a number of external agencies who come into school on a regular or as required basis to support individual children.  The main four services are part of a group called "Access to Education."


Access to Education consists of four specialist services:  Communication & Autism (CAT), Educational Psychology (EPS), Pupil and School Support (PSS) and Sensory Support (SS), who work in an integrated way to ensure schools and settings receive services of the highest quality in order that they can support children and young people with additional educational needs.  They also work in partnership with Early Support Service (ESS), the Physical Disability Support Service (PDSS), the Looked After Children’s Education Services (LACES) and Special Educational Needs Assessment Review team (SENAR).


Listed below are details of the agencies who can be seen regularly in school:


Communication and Autism Team (CAT)

For children who already have a diagnosis of Autism or communication difficulties or who have significant difficulty in mixing appropriately with their peers, who may struggle with sensory aspects of the environment and therefore a possible Autism diagnosis is being investigated.

Signed parental consent has to be obtained before the allocated worker can support the child.   In conjunction with the school they also run parent awareness workshops for parents whose child(ren) have a diagnosis of Autism.

Our allocated worker is Mrs Debbie Horton.  She is in school every Friday morning.


Pupil and School Support (PSS)

For children who are working below the levels expected for their age and who over time don’t make the expected progress despite additional support.   Alternatively for  children who we feel have a specific learning difficulty that we need additional help and advice to support.  They work alongside staff in school to offer support, advice and training.

Schools have an allocated PSS teacher who visits regularly. Parents are informed if we would like them to work with your child.   

Our PSS worker is Mrs Kate Starr.


Physical Disability Service

For children with physical difficulties which impact on their access in the school setting.  These can range from fine motor difficulties which impact on writing skills through to wheelchair users.

Parents have to sign a referral form before the support is requested in school.

Our allocated worker is Mrs Jane Runacres.


Educational Psychology Service (EPS)

For children with complex needs; these can be physical, learning sensory and/or emotional.  An Educational Psychologist will always be involved with a child for whom a request for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is considered appropriate.   They will also be involved in the support for any child who has an EHCP where they are in year 5 or a change of provision is thought to be appropriate.

Signed parental consent is required before they are able to support the child.

Our allocated worker is Ms Kathryn O'Shea.
