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Lyndon Green Junior School

Making Memories

Year 4

Year Group: 4

Term: Spring 2

Text Type and Outcome:

Narrative: Fantasy / Portal story based on the Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura

Model Text: Stone Age Boy

Practise Write: Going through a portal within a school.

Meeting an animal

Returning with a momento

Assessed Write: Own story based on Stone Age Boy

Core Text:

The Boy with the Bronze Axe by Kathleen Fidler



Audience and Purpose:

To entertain



•I can compose sentences using a range of sentence structures.

•I can orally rehearse a sentence or a sequence of sentences.

•I can write a narrative with a clear structure, setting and plot.

•I  can use appropriate nouns and pronouns within and across sentences to support cohesion and avoid repetition. 

•I can use direct speech in my writing and punctuate it correctly.

Grammar and Punctuation

Expanded Noun phrases for description (Y2)

Past tense verbs, continuous form of verbs – progressive and perfect (Y2/3)

Apostrophes for contraction 


Age-related learning

Speech marks to punctuate direct speech.

Apostrophes for singular and plural possession – the difference between possession and plurals






Unit 16 - Spacing between words

Unit 17 - Writing at speed

Unit 18 - Improving fluency




Paragraphs - Opening, build up, climax and conclusion

Written in the first person

Written in the past tense

Written in chronological order

Description of main characters and settings

Use fronted adverbials to describe when, where and how. 


Speaking and Listening

Hot seating - character thoughts and feelings

Conscience alley - go through the portal or not

Talk through your story out loud to your partner

Produce an advert for using a bow and arrow

Rapid Writes

Take my advice:- Should Alice head down the rabbit. 

Actions speak louder than words:- Write up 5 adverbs – children should think of sentences to go with the adverb. I point for each, double points for unusual, creative or unique ideas, e.g. Angrily; Slowly; Impatiently; Sadly; Foolishly


Grow the sentence:- Fabulous in 5. Sentence construction; word classes.

Give a simple sentence linked to the writing task. Ask children to grow the sentence in 5 steps, 

e.g. The dog slept.

a) The old dog slept.

b) The old dog slept peacefully.

c) The old dog slept peacefully after his long walk.

d) As the sun went down, the old dog slept peacefully after his long walk.

e) As the sun went down, the old dog slept peacefully after his long walk, dreaming of fields, rabbits and juicy bones.


Tier 2 Vocabulary







Reading and Writing across Curriculum


Writing a leaflet on Skara Brae

Write about a visit to a tourist attraction. 

Writing a postcard/letter


Year Group: Year 4

Term: Spring 2

Text Type and Outcome:

Writing a balanced argument

Model write: Should zoos be banned?

Practise write: Should the people of Skara Brae have attacked and killed the whale?

Assessed write: Should fox hunting be banned?

Core Text:

The Boy with the Bronze Axe by Kathleen Fidler



Audience and Purpose:

To inform and persuade.


Present arguments to class and come to a final vote and decision.



•I can orally rehearse a sentence or a sequence of sentences.

•I use a range of sentences which have more than one clause. 

•I can use appropriate nouns and pronouns within and across sentences  to support cohesion and avoid repetition. 

•I can use fronted adverbials.

•I can write in paragraphs. 

•I make an appropriate choice of pronoun and noun within and across sentences.

•I use commas after fronted adverbials. 

Grammar and Punctuation

Expressing time and cause using adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions (Y3)

Present tense verbs, continuous form of verbs – progressive and perfect (Y2/3)


Age-related learning

Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme.  

Commas after fronted adverbials






Unit 19 - Speed and fluency

Unit 20 - End of unit check



An opening statement.

Written in present tense.

Paragraphs to organise and present ideas.

Use rhetorical questions.

Use facts instead of emotive language

Use of short sentences for emphasis.

Use statistics to back up arguments being made.

Pronouns to avoid repetition.

A closing statement.

Use of emotive pictures to back up arguments 

Speaking and Listening

Debate on personal opinions

Just a minute - developing familiarity with subject

Beat the expert - children ask questions about the topic they are debating to the teacher


Rapid Writes

Take my advice

Summary in 60 - summarise what they have learnt about a given subject

Tell me about it - image of a fox linked to the children’s writing.

Tier 2 Vocabulary







Reading and Writing across Curriculum

Writing a leaflet on Skara Brae

Research and present information on Stonehenge. Encourage people to visit!

Write about a visit to a tourist attraction. 

Writing a postcard/letter

